Measures object is of class measures. When using measure objects then the measures can be dynamically re-calculated for a subset of the data.

# S3 method for measures
l_ng_ranges(measures, ...)



object of class measures, see measures1d, measures2d.


arguments passed on to configure the scatterplot


named list with plots-, graph-, plot-, navigator-, and context handle. The list also contains the environment of the the function call in env.


Note that we provide the scagnostics2d function to create a measures object for the scagnostics measures.

For more information run: l_help("learn_R_display_graph.html#l_ng_ranges")

See also


if (interactive()){ # 2d measures # s <- scagnostics2d(oliveAcids) # nav <- l_ng_ranges(s, color=olive$Area) # 1d measures scale01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/diff(range(x))} m1d <- measures1d(sapply(iris[,-5], scale01), mean=mean, median=median, sd=sd, q1=function(x)as.vector(quantile(x, probs=0.25)), q3=function(x)as.vector(quantile(x, probs=0.75))) m1d() nav <- l_ng_ranges(m1d, color=iris$Species) }