Generic method for creating an eikosogram
eikos(y, x = NULL, data = NULL, marginalize = NULL, main = "", main_size = 16, ylabs = TRUE, ylab_rot = 0, yname_size = 12, yvals_size = 12, yaxs = TRUE, yprobs = NULL, yprobs_size = 8, xlabs = TRUE, xlab_rot = 0, xname_size = 12, xvals_size = 12, xaxs = TRUE, xprobs = NULL, xprobs_size = 8, vertical_xprobs = TRUE, ispace = list(bottom = 8, left = 2, top = 2, right = 5), legend = FALSE, col = NULL, bottomcol = "steelblue", topcol = "snow2", lcol = "black", draw = TRUE, newpage = TRUE, lock_aspect = TRUE)
y | Either the name of a variable in the data set (eikos.default), or a formula of such variables (eikos.formula). |
x | name(s) of any conditional variable(s) (horizontal axis). Should be null if formula given. |
data | data frame or table |
marginalize | variable(s) to marginalize on, or NULL if none. Marginalized variables still appear in plot. |
main | title of plot |
main_size | font size of title (in points) |
ylabs | logical, whether y labels should appear or not. |
ylab_rot | rotation of y labels |
yname_size | font size of vertical axis names (in points) |
yvals_size | font size of labels for values of y variable (in points) |
yaxs | logical, whether y axis should appear or not. |
yprobs | probabilities to be shown on y-axis. NULL if they should be calculated from the data. |
yprobs_size | font size of labels for horizontal probabilities (in points) |
xlabs | logical, whether x labels should appear or not. |
xlab_rot | rotation of x labels |
xname_size | font size of horizontal axis names (in points) |
xvals_size | font size of labels for values of x variables (in points) |
xaxs | logical, whether x axis should appear or not. |
xprobs | probabilities to be shown on x-axis. NULL if they should be calculated from the data. |
xprobs_size | font size of labels for horizontal probabilities (in points) |
vertical_xprobs | logical, whether probabilities on x axis should be rotated vertically. |
ispace | list of four items (bottom, left, top, right) indicating the margins separating the text around the diagram. Each value is a positive integer giving a measure in "points". |
legend | logical, whether to include legend |
col | a vector of colours to match the response values. If NULL (the default), the colours are constructed as a smooth transition from `bottomcol` to `topcol` via `grDevices::colorRampPalette |
bottomcol | bottom colour |
topcol | top colour |
lcol | colour of lines |
draw | logical, whether to draw eikosogram. |
newpage | logical, whether to draw on a newpage. |
lock_aspect | logical, whether to force entire plot to 1:1 aspect ratio. |
eikos("Hair", "Eye", data=HairEyeColor, legend = TRUE)eikos(gear ~ cyl, data = mtcars)eikos(Admit ~ Gender + Dept, data = UCBAdmissions, yaxs = FALSE, xaxs = FALSE, lock_aspect = FALSE, xlab_rot = 90, xvals_size = 8, ispace = list(bottom = 15))